
Don't take our word for it - take a look at the feedback from customers using Chirp-protect in store to combat theft

Sue Nithyanandan (Costcutter)

"A brilliant system!"

We visited Sue, owner of Costcutter in Epsom to see how she was getting on with our Chirp-edge system.

"I absolutely love this system. It was simple to set up and now I have lots of high-theft items protected in my shop. There are different Tags to safeguard anything from alcohol to meat and cheese and what I like about it is it's a discreet system that doesn't offend my customers."


Read all testimonials

Neil Godhania, Premier Stores

A great system!

Neil says something positive about the system and about how it continues to save him money etc

Sue Nithyanandan

I love my Chirp

Sue says something positive about the system and about how it continues to save him money etc

Avtar Sidhu

A fantastic deterrent

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