Bags, Bags, Bags!

A store within a busy high street department store, selling handbags, shoulder bags and purses.


The Hub - acts as the "antenna" in the system


A Chirp-zone Lanyard Tag is placed on each high-value bag

Desktop Deactivator

When a product is purchased, simply scan it over the desktop deactivator to disable the Tag so it can be removed and reused.

The Requirement

The owner needs a way of keeping expensive designer bags safe from theft.

The store is unable to use conventional EAS antennas as there are no walls to the store - it's an open-fronted area within a larger building.

Our Solution

This is a great environment for a Chirp-zone setup, combined with our Lanyard Tag

With the Chirp-zone system, a tagged product will alarm if taken too far away from the Hub. The store owner is able to ceiling mount the Hub out of the way and then adjust the range of the zone so it covers the store footprint.

If this sounds like you...

We suggest you trial this pack:

Chirp-zone Starter Pack (Mixed)

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