
Nisa, Trinity Service Station

Nisa, Trinity Service Station

Before installing the Chirp-Protect system, we faced a daily struggle with regular shoplifters lining up at our doors as early as 6 AM. It was a constant battle, especially with high-risk items like beers, which would disappear if they weren't locked away in the fridges. But since tagging our products with Chirp-Protect, the difference has been nothing short of remarkable. We've seen shoplifting losses drop from £200 a week to just £20. Our known shoplifters now steer clear of our store altogether.

We've tagged a wide range of items, including wine, cheese, seasonal goods, chilled meats, baby powder, and detergents, and the results have been incredible. The impact on our staff has been equally significant. Where there was once anxiety and dread about coming to work, there's now confidence and peace of mind. Chirp-Protect has had a positive impact on both the store’s bottom line and the well-being of our staff. In one instance, a customer tried to walk out with a bottle of wine, but when the alarm tag went off, he returned to the till and paid for it. The Chirp-Protect system does exactly what it promises – it's an effective deterrent that truly works.

I wholeheartedly endorse Chirp-Protect for any forecourt or store dealing with shoplifting issues. It’s been a game-changer for us.

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Eastbourne & Horsham Service Stations

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