Video Explainer
Watch our introductory video which explains what Chirp-protect is all about
Introducing Chirp-protect
Key Benefits
How it Works
Some key questions on what Chirp-protect is, and how it works
How do I install Chirp-protect?
Write content to help your customers to better understand your products or policies.
What Technology does Chirp-protect use?
Write content to help your customers to better understand your products or policies.
Who uses Chirp-protect?
Write content to help your customers to better understand your products or policies.
Simple but effective...
The Chirp-protect system consists of just 3 key components.
The Hub
A 14cm cube that acts as the antenna in the system
The Deactivator
Sits by the till - simply pass a tagged product over it to deactivate the Tag at point of purchase
The Tags
A range of Tags to protect a variety of products
Our customers
We’ve seen a significant drop in our stock loss... I highly recommend it for any store looking to reduce losses and keep their products secure.
Initially, we faced recurring issues with shoplifting, particularly high value items like detergents, deodorants, meat and cheese. Despite CCTV coverage, blind spots remained a challenge, especially with thefts of deodorant cans. Determined to address this, we turned to Chirp-protect, and the results have been outstanding
Industries we Serve